
Discover our 3 AQUAFOLIA gift sets, specially designed to meet the needs of the most demanding skin.

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Prepare - Moisturize - Revitalize

Your new skincare routine

Find your skincare steps

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Nourish, Sculpt, Plump, Lift

Firming Cream Neck and Décolletage

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Aquafolia News

The importance of skin care

11 July 2023

Our skin, the organ that covers our body, requires special care.  It needs to be pampered and enveloped. Your esthetician, your skin care professional, is there to guide you and offer you customized care, according to your specific skin conditions, because every skin is unique. Institute or clinic is your destination for healthy, radiant skin. […]


Our featured products


Aquafolia skin care line

Discover the well-agingᶧ dermo-cosmetic at the heart of offering your skin innovative and high-performance products as well as intelligent formulas that bring back a healthy youthful looking skin.

Life relies on balance, which brings forth beauty and well-being. Taking in hand the skin’s radiance means rediscovering the joie de vivre brought about by unwavering self-esteem. Discovering Aquafolia means making the choice to shine and cherish the environment.

ᶧFrom an appearance and sensation perspective

Your gift

Baume à lèvres

Spinach Delight Lip Balm


To discover


Triple Action 3A Fluid
